Latest New Music Worth Listening To - Nov 12 Edition

There’s so much good stuff out right now. Here’s the latest few that you should check out!

Three Chords by Goodbye June

Another new single from Goodbye June — the band that sounds like AC/DC — and I am still obsessed. I love that rock is making a comeback, even if in a nostalgic way. (If you haven’t heard Greta Van Fleet’s Heat Above, give that a listen and see who it sounds like. Hint: The answer rhymes with “Bed Mepplin”).

Next Year (feat. Windser) by Macklemore

The opening line: “Next year’s gonna be better than this”. I think that’s something we can all hope for / relate to? I love Macklemore, so I’m thrilled he has new work coming out. I saw him live many years ago, and his energy on stage is something else — he was one of those brilliant performers that can bring in the entire audience to the music.


I love WALK THE MOON’s energy and sound. This song in particular has lyrics that resonate with me lately — that no matter who you are, you’re going to fall down. And what do you do then? You rise up. Great wake up anthem song!

Charmander by Animé

Unbelievably catchy song and beat. I appreciate the line: “When I'm up in London, everybody say, "Your Highness" / Not because I'm royal, but because I be the highest”. Fantastic.

Oh Na Na by Camila Cabello, Myke Towers, Tainy

Another Spanish track to get you moving this weekend. If I still taught a spin class (yes, I used to do that), I would use this song in it. 🚴‍♂️🎵


Album of the week: The Dark Side of the Moon


Mega Ran’s Inspiration Mix for his new album